Pustolovina: adventure in Serbian

Saturday, November 12, 2005

on God and Peanut Butter

I wandered to St. Sava's church this afternoon. It is enormous & still uncomplete after years of work, part of the post-communist religious revival. The doors were open & I wandered around inside for a bit. It felt more like a domed stadium than a church, with its high ceilings and concrete floor. It also didn't help the atmospere that there were cars parked inside, scaffolding, and workers using loud machinery.

I stopped for groceries on the way home. I bought fixings for soup & orange juice because I think I'm getting sick and the good kind of dark chocolate - it's Croatian & hard to find - because I'm watching Chocolat tonight. I would rather not find out if it's possible to watch that movie without eating chocolate.

I got some peanut butter pretzels for the walk home. Peanut butter pretzels are cheap - a one serving package costs about 25 cents. Tiny jars of sugar-filled peanut butter are relatively expensive at $5 (yes still not that expensive, I know). As I walked home, I pondered if it would be worth it to buy many bags of peanut butter pretzels and extract the peanut butter, putting it in a jar to make the occassional PB&J.

It took me a surprisingly long time to decide that it wasn't.


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