Pustolovina: adventure in Serbian

Friday, August 17, 2007

If Only There was a Freaks and Geeks Reunion Movie…

Months ago, upon its release in the US, a few people, knowing my great love for Freaks and Geeks, asked for my thoughts on Knocked Up. The film finally made it to Serbia last week; a friend and I saw it a few days ago.

I went in to the theater not expecting too much, but wanting to be surprised. I was. It was silly and enjoyable. It was nice to see Bill, my Freaks and Geeks hero, again, albeit in a much harier incarnation. The film reminded me of Better Off Dead, in that many of the near-constant jokes didn’t resonate with me (the searching for an ob-gyn bit and the bouncer bit, among others), but the sheer quantity of jokes meant that I was frequently laughing at something.

My biggest problem with the film was that I had to force my suspension of disbelief twice. That shouldn’t be something that I have to do consciously while watching a film. The first hard-to-swallow aspect was that our two heroes would actually sleep with each other. Alcohol can only explain so much. Would two such divergent types even be at the same club? I also had trouble accepting that the heroine didn’t seem to even consider abortion. True, there wouldn’t be much of a film if she had made that decision, but it was too strange for a young, economically insecure (I would imagine, since she lives with her sister’s family, but she has a good job – another bit that I didn’t get.) woman who became pregnant after a one-night stand to not seriously ponder it. It seems like a textbook example of why abortion should be legal.

Although, it was fun to see some many of the romantic comedy notions turned on their head as the two heroes do all of the getting-to-know-you, falling-in-love bits after they have already conceived a child.


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