Blok 70 is Belgrade’s Chinatown. It’s basically a big mall where one can buy very cheap imports from China. I went there yesterday to pick up some housewares. My family is visiting in two weeks and it will be nice to have enough glasses for everyone. I also needed some new sunglasses. So I wandered the shops looking at the merchandise. About half of the staff of these shops are Chinese immigrants. When I had questions, bought something, or stumbled into one of the tiny restaurants in search of lunch, I spoke with people in Serbian.
An American conversing with a Chinese person in Serbian: the world is flat.
I’m sure all the locals were wincing at our bad grammar and pronunciation.
At 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
iz koje li si ti vukojebine dosla?
sto nisi stavila naocare da vidis da blok ne cini samo taj glupi trzni centar?
ameeeerikanka, pa kupuje kod kineza, jadan li je tvoj standard...ccc
At 6:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
koja si ti pizda da pricas tako o mom bloku. mrsssshhhh u pizdu materinu.
At 6:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ne sisaj jedan vec pedeset kurceva.
At 11:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
pa ja zivim u 70-om pa ne blejim kod kineza,to je samo delic bloka a kineze nikad u zivotu nisam video da bleje van trznog centra...kblo 70 najjaci blok u svakom smislu a 45-i nek pusi kurcinu
At 11:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nek je picka materina onom ko je pisao ovo srnje i serem se na sve smrdljive kineze treba ih oterati u 45. blok. E ako nesto mrzim to je kad se spomene blok 70 a ljudi kazu "a da to tamo kod kineza".. mamu im jebem bre svima a najvise ovoj sto misli da je kblo 70 chinatown tj da je blok ceo kineski enjub. Jebo bi im kevu svima! KBLO 70 KONZA
At 8:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Fuck you, you ignorant shithead! Chinese mall, and Chinese and Gipsies in general, are Blok 70's shame.
At 3:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:18 AM,
MAFIJA-70-kapiramo se u pokretu said…
Ja sam iz 70a, sto je odmah do 70 bloka i nema kineza, van trznog centra, i nemojte se kurciti da vam ne bi jebao mater!!!
Budale iz picke materine su nasli da seru o nasem bloku, JEBEM IM JA MAJKU...
svi dolazite u sedamdeseti da kupujete kod kineza a vamo jedete govna..!
At 12:57 PM,
Kaca said…
I dont understand why you people are giving such mean and rude comments to the girl. Instead of feeling honoured that a foreigner in our country is trying to learn Serbian and is objectively observing the environment that she's surrounded by, you start offending her! This is why Serbia's been going down for many years.
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