Pustolovina: adventure in Serbian

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

pen pals

The text of the first piece of mail I recieved in Belgrade:

Dear Rachel,
I am DB and I am the interim pastor of the Ivy Farms congregation in Newport News, VA. One of our ministries is to encourage those who are working in BVS. Your name appeared in yesterday's bulletin and you are remembered in my
thoughts and prayers. The name of your project intrigues me. I imagine it has something to do with grieving women. May you know God's presence and recieve blessings as you are a blessing to those to whom you minister.
In Christ,

If any of the women here thought I was ministering to them, they would throw me out. WiB is not a big fan of churchy types.

So BVS has an adopt-a-BVSer program. [My fifth grade class adopted a wolf. - it's much the same.] Brethren Churches, sunday school classes, & BVS alumni sign up to get a BVSer to whom they send letters, care packages, etc. It reminds Brethren folks about BVS & the BVSers get mail and cookies.

It looks like I'll be making a bunch of new friends in Newport News.


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